Compile Edit
This page is about compiling Teensybase to run it locally offline on your own computer for editing pages and/or writing new pages before publishing to your GitHub Pages fork to submit a pull request against
All pages are written using a dialect of Markdown. Markdown Cheat sheet.
Windows 7 Installation
Check out GitHub repository
- Sign up to GitHub.
- Install Chocolatey.
Run this command in an Administrator command prompt
choco install github -y
- On GitHub fork Teensybase GitHub repository.
- Clone your fork into an appropriate location on your computer using the GitHub for Windows client that was installed using the choco command.
Install Jekyll
- Install Chocolatey (if not already installed).
Run these commands in an Administrator command prompt. You will probably have to close and reopen the administrator command prompt after each command is complete.
choco install ruby -y
gem install jekyll
- In command prompt navigate to checked out GitHub repository.
Run Jeykll
jekyll serve
- Assuming no compilation errors, Teensybase should be available at http://localhost:4000
Mac OS X Installation
Linux Installation (apt-get)